1. Inside the project dashboard select the file you want to assign by marking the left-hand box and click on “Edit”:

2. Type in the name of the translator/editor you would like to assign it to in the field of “Linguist” and select “Emailed to linguist” from the drop-down field of “Status”. Then click the “Save button”. (Note that you can also add a “Due” date if needed):

3. Back on the project dashboard select the file again and click on Tools> Email…

4. A pop-up will appear with the email address from the linguist already copied in on the field “To”. Select an email template from the drop-down field “Use template” (‘New translation job’ or ‘New editing job’) and click “Send Email”. (Note: you may CC other people. Custom email templates can be created, to do so please contact jdeppe@cochrane.org):