A. Which Cochrane Reviews are available for translation on Memsource?

1. Reviews that were published in the past 12 months are available for translation

When a review is published in English, we create a new project for each language on Memsource for you to translate. When a review is updated or amended and re-published, we delete any existing projects of this review on Memsource and create a new project, so that you always have the most recent version of each review available on Memsource. On Memsource, you will find all Cochrane Reviews that were published in the past 12 months. Memsource automatically deletes projects 12 months after they were created. If you need to translate reviews that were published more than 12 months ago, you can add a review that is missing.

2. Withdrawn Reviews, Titles or Protocols of Cochrane Reviews are not available for translation

Please note that we do not support translation of Withdrawn Reviews, Protocols or Registered Titles of Cochrane Reviews, so you will not find these on Memsource.

B. Find a specific Cochrane Review in Memsource

1. Enter the CD number of the review in the main search field on the top left of Memsource.

2. Alternatively, go to the list of Projects. Click on the "Filter" button on the top right corner of the list of projects, enter the CD number of the review into the field in the "Name" column, and click "OK".