Add something about contact authors being responsible for responding comments on version authored (policy).

Cochrane welcomes comments on Cochrane Reviews and protocols published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR).

Funders, other stakeholders and the scientific community expect transparency. Seeking and responding to comments, and the transparency of that process, are important parts of the scientific process and publication ethics, as reflected in guidance from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

It is essential that efficient processes are in place for responding to new evidence, valid comments, and amending Cochrane Reviews or protocols if warranted. To achieve this, Cochrane is committed to timely updating of reviews and concurrent publishing of comments.

The management of comments received on Cochrane Reviews and protocols is part of the Cochrane Editorial & Methods Department. The Department is available for support in dealing with comments of any level of complexity, and John Hilton ( should be the contact in the first instance.

Note: The new Cochrane Library platform, launched on 7 August, includes a new system for the submission and storage of comments. A new system to publish comments directly on the Cochrane Library will be introduced in the near future. See Changes to the Comments processes on the new Cochrane Library platform.