Meeting history:

Use case 1: Delivery & tracking of studies/references

An IS can send records to authors of a review. CRS will notify the author team by e-mail, and invite them to pick up records in Covidence, EPPI-Reviewer, RevMan, or by hand (only current option). When an author opens their review in one of the other tools, the too will call out to CRS to check if any references have been sent by the IS. If so, it will allow the author to "pick up" those references - in RevMan they would go to "awaiting classification", and in other tools they would go to the appropriate screening process. The tool will keep track of CRS IDs of these references, and notify CRS when they are included/excluded. This allows the IS to track what has happened to references they flagged up.

CRS API: Check for references

Check for new references based on a Cochrane Review ID. Should return the count of new references (and other relevant meta-data?) but not the references themselves.

Gordon Dooley to specify.

CRS API: Fetch references

Fetch the new references for a Cochrane Review ID. Retrieves in RIS format, with CRS IDs in X field.

Gordon Dooley to specify.

CRS API: Acknowledge references

Acknowledge that references have been downloaded and successfully added to the tool. Must specify a list of CRS IDs that have been successfully added.

Gordon Dooley to specify.

Future work

Define how to enable further tracking of reference status by CRS - e.g. in-/exclusion. Potential overlap with use cases 4 & 5.