Blogshots were created by Cochrane UK as a new way of making evidence accessible through an infographic that can be shared on social media channels. Blogshots contain the key messages of a Cochrane Review and are presented in a digestible, visual format. It includes a link so that people can click and read the full article if interested.

If you want to create your own blogshots, rather than translate existing blogshots, please see instructions here:

How to translate blogshots

1. Get a template for your blogshot translations

Please email Sabrina Khamissa ( to request a branded blogshot template with your Cochrane colours and logo. The template shows you where the translated title, text, and link should be placed. Do not use any colours that are not on your original template. 

2. Find blogshots available for translation

All available blogshots are organised by Review Group on Dropbox, saved in PowerPoint format:

New blogshots are also shared in the weekly Communications Network Digest email.

3. Translate the blogshots

Start with your template and copy and paste the image from the English blogshot into the right-hand panel of your template.

Then add the translated text into the relevant slide sections of your template. The slides have been designed with a fixed text area for maximum visibility for the audience. If you find there is not enough space for all your text, try to cut down the content rather than expanding the text boxes.

Add the link to the translated Review on or the Cochrane Library, so that viewers can read more. Use or to produce a short link of the URL, and then copy and paste the short link into your blogshot template. If you have not translated the Review, you can link to the English Review.

Finally, make sure you acknowledge Cochrane UK (or another group responsible for the original blogshot) by translating “This is a translated Cochrane UK blogshot" or “Originally by Cochrane UK” and adding it to the bottom of your blogshot. This acknowledgement is in line with the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Disseminating your translated blogshots

1. Save your blogshot as image file for dissemination

To save the PowerPoint slide as an image file for dissemination:

3. Store your blogshot

Add your Powerpoint template and saved image file to the relevant folder on Dropbox:

2. Disseminate your blogshot

Blogshots are ideal to promote via your social media channels, because they are visual and easy to digest.

Instructions for special series blogshots

Cochrane UK also produces blogshots as part of special series, namely: Evidently Cochrane, Evidence for Everyday Health Choices, Evidence for Everyday Midwifery, Evidence for Everyday Nursing and Evidence for Everyday Allied Health.

If you translate blogshots from these special series, please do not translate nor include:

These items belong to Cochrane UK, and are part of their Evidently Cochrane blog and sister projects. You can replace the banner or header with the blogshot title that would usually sit on the image in the English version. Here is an example of an Evidently Cochrane blogshot, and a Chinese translation of it, without the hands icon.