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1 July 2024: The Editorial Publishing & Policy Resource is scheduled to be archived. This page may not contain the most updated version of the information and is being retained for reference until 1 August 2024.


Please see Multiple Cochrane groups providing support in the revised editorial guidance resource.

In situations where more than one Cochrane Review Group (CRG) provides editorial support on a Cochrane Review (or protocol), this can be recorded in Archie (see below) and displayed on the published Cochrane Review or protocol (in the 'Information' section).

CRGs need to be aware of the following before using this approach:

  • Both (or all) CRGs must agree to be named on the Cochrane Review or protocol, ideally as early as possible in the editorial process.
  • The nature of the support needs to be editorial (e.g. shared Editors, shared editorial process, joint peer review) or there may be shared funding for the review between the CRGs.
  • This does not replace authorship (e.g. if a member of one CRG is an author on another CRG’s review, then this will be reflected in the author byline).
  • Review authors need to be aware of the arrangement and have the opportunity to discuss with the CRG before publication, if there are any concerns.
  • The review will appear under both CRGs in the annual metrics reports provided by the Publisher.

Up to four CRGs can be listed as one of the 'Other contributing Review Groups' in Archie, but there can be only one Primary Group (shown as the first CRG in the published Cochrane Review or protocol). Adding other contributing CRGs to a Cochrane Review protocol involves publication (or republication) of the Cochrane Review or protocol. The Primary Group will manage the addition of other CRGs, and all requests should be directed to the Managing Editor of the Primary Group.



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