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Co-publications may take one of the following forms:

  • Republication Short version of the Abstract the review (the abstract and/or PLS and/or an abridged version of the review content) on its own.
  • As above alongside Plain language summary, with the option of an accompanying original commentary/article (previously referred to as a ‘Cochrane Corner’).
  • Shortened Short version of the full review.The above review alone translated into a specific language with option of including it in English (language of original publication) or translated into a specific languagealso.

Before proceeding with a co-publication, authors must also consider that the editor of the other journal may consider the publication to be redundant (duplicate) publication, that is, "publication of a paper that overlaps substantially with one already published in print or electronic media" (ICMJE recommendations on overlapping publications; accessed 22 August 2018); and that the authors of published Cochrane Reviews have granted Cochrane an exclusive licence for publication for the Cochrane Review, and the journal editor needs to be aware of this to ensure that the journal licensing does not impose restrictions on the original licenced content.
