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1 July 2024: The Editorial Publishing & Policy Resource is scheduled to be archived. This page may not contain the most updated version of the information and is being retained for reference until 1 August 2024.


Please see the Cochrane Library editorial policy on plagiarism.
Editors may refer to Plagiarism in the revised editorial guidance resource.

An author may wish to reuse text from another publication that he or she has authored. To avoid the possibility of suspected plagiarism (see Box) and/or the possibility of violating copyright of the other work published by the author, the author should follow the practices outlined above (see ‘Avoiding plagiarism’) or seek permission to republish content under copyright. Editorial teams should work with authors, where this may have occurred in a review, to ensure that text has the correct attributions.

This applies predominantly to articles other than Cochrane Reviews. It is expected that authors of a Cochrane Review will reuse substantial parts of their protocol in the Cochrane Review that follows, for example, and this is one of the special circumstances outlined. These special circumstances do not equate to plagiarism.



Authors reusing text from their published works without proper attribution and/or copyright clearance may be known as duplicate publication, multiple publication, overlapping publications, redundant publication, repetitive publication, self-plagiarism, or text recycling (Wager 2014).

Source: Wager E. Defining and responding to plagiarism. Learned Publishing 2014;27(1):33–42.
