Versions Compared


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RETIREMENT NOTICE. This API will be retired along with Archie. It will be replaced by the Archive API:


RevMan (front end)/rest/reviews/<id>/metadataMultiple CRGs
ReviewDB/rest/reviews (with params) My Reviews




Determine translation status






This page describes the basic REST API for working with reviews stored in Archie. This API is interfacing with Archie's XML review document store and is therefore also XML based and works on whole reviews (in RM5 format or JATS).

A more granular API, where review sections can be accessed individually, is being designed to interface with the new review database. The new API is expected to replace this API at some point.The ReviewDB API provides more granular access to review content and data.

Table of Contents




Getting review translations

List translations of the latest published version using Review ID

GET{Review ID}/translations



The response is a list of published translations of the latest published version of the review as a JSON array:

Code Block
    "language": "fr",
    "title": "Décompression abdominale en cas de suspicion d'une souffrance fœtale/pré-éclampsie",
    "version": "0.0",
    "href": ""
    "language": "hr",
    "title": "Abdominalna dekompresija kod sumnje na ugrožen fetus ili pre-eklampsiju",
    "version": "5.0",
    "href": ""
    "language": "ta",
    "title": "கருத்தடை சமரசம் / முன்-எக்லம்ப்சியா என சந்தேகிக்கப்படும் அடிவயிற்று சுருக்க சிகிச்சை.",
    "version": "1.0",
    "href": ""

List translations of any published version using Review ID

GET{Review ID}/{Version}/translations

The response is as described for the previous endpoint.

Get a translation of the latest published version using Review ID

GET{Review ID}/translations/{language}



Returns the translation as either JATS XML or the full JATS package (as determined by the Accept header - see "Encoding of response" above).

Get a translation of the any published version using Review ID

GET{Review ID}/{Version}/translations/{language}

The response is as described for the previous endpoint.

Getting lists of reviews / searching


The response is an XML document listing the key attributes and properties of each review, and a link for accessing the full review, e.g.:

Code Block
<reviews count="15">


  <review cdNumber="CD002745" groupId="ARI" reviewId="780800041114324239" searchDate="2011-06-27" stage="R" status="A" checkedOut="false">


    <link href=""






    <title>Amantadine and rimantadine for influenza A in children and the elderly</title>


    <byline>Alves Galvão MG, Rocha Crispino Santos MA, Alves da Cunha AJL</byline>


    <group>Acute Respiratory Infections Group</group>




  <review cdNumber="CD000243" groupId="ARI" reviewId="482299081614134252" searchDate="2013-03-20" stage="R" status="A"checkedOut="true">


    <link href="" rel="self" type="application/xml"/>


    <title>Antibiotics for acute maxillary sinusitis in adults</title>


    <byline>Ahovuo-Saloranta A, Rautakorpi U-M, Borisenko OV, Liira H, Williams Jr JW, Mäkelä M</byline>


    <group>Acute Respiratory Infections Group</group>







Query parameters

The following query parameters can be used to restrict the search:

  • groupId (e.g. ARI for Acute Respiratory, see Review Group IDs below): Restrict search to reviews belonging to the specified review group. Default is any group.
  • stage (R = full Review, P = Protocol, T = Title): Restrict search by review stage. Default is any stage. T is only relevant in combination with published=false.
  • status (A = Active, W = Withdrawn): Restrict search by status. Default is any status.
  • phase (A=Authoring, E=Editorial): Restrict search by phase. Default is any phase.
  • myRole (e.g. myRole=Author): Restrict search to reviews for which the authenticated user has the given role. Default is that roles are not considered.
  • myPermission (e.g myPermission=write_authoring, see Permission below): Restrict search to reviews for which the authenticated user has the given permission. Default is View permission (view).
  • startSearchDate (format {yyyy-MM-dd}, e.g. startSearchDate=2014-05-31): Restrict search to reviews with a search date on or after the specified date. Default is any date.
  • published (true or false). Default is true, which means that only published reviews are returned. If published=false, titles and unpublished protocols are also returned.
  • issueId (e.g. 2014-1). Limit search to reviews appearing in a specific issue of The Cochrane Library (needs testing).
  • translation (language code, e.g. fr). Find reviews where the latest published version has a published translation in the given language. Not compatible with published=false.

Additional endpoints

Get metadata about review


GET{Review ID}/roles

Returned MIME Returned MIME type is "application/json".

Generate a forest plot

GET{CD Number}/graphics/forestplot/{Comparison ID}/{Outcome ID}

Returned MIME type is "image/png".

Return asset from JATS package

The following return assets referenced from the main JATS XML.

EndpointMIME type
GET{Review ID}/{Version}/{Asset path}.svg"image/svg+xml"
GET{Review ID}/{Version}/{Asset path}.png"image/png"
GET{Review ID}/{Version}/{Asset path}.jpg"image/jpeg"
GET{Review ID}/{Version}/{Asset path}.(xml | rm5)"application/xml;charset=utf-8", "application/xml;charset=UTF-8"
GET{Review ID}/{Version}/{Asset path}.html"text/html"
GET{Review ID}/{Version}/{Asset path}.zip"application/zip"

Review Groups IDs

For use with the groupId parameter.
