Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.



Checking a review out

Returned MIME type is "application/xml".

PUT{Review ID}/latest

The body of the request should be empty.



The response body contains the review in XML format.

Note: this is a PUT request since it is changing the state of the review.

Checking a review in

Returned MIME type is "application/json".

PUT{Review ID}?tag={version description}

The review in XML (RM5) format must be provided in the body of the request.

The response body contains a plain text report from the check-in.



Undoing a check-out

PUT{Review ID}/latest/undo

The body of the request should be empty.

The response body will be empty. 



Getting lists of reviews / searching

The base request for getting a list of reviews is:


This will return all published reviews in Archie, so for most purposes a filter based on XPath or additional query parameters is required.

The response is an XML document listing the key attributes and properties of each review, and a link for accessing the full review, e.g.:

<reviews count="15">
  <review cdNumber="CD002745" groupId="ARI" reviewId="780800041114324239" searchDate="2011-06-27" stage="R" status="A" checkedOut="false">
<link href="" rel="self" type="application/xml"/>
  <title>Amantadine and rimantadine for influenza A in children and the elderly</title>
  <byline>Alves Galvão MG, Rocha Crispino Santos MA, Alves da Cunha AJL</byline>
<group>Acute Respiratory Infections Group</group>
  <review cdNumber="CD000243" groupId="ARI" reviewId="482299081614134252" searchDate="2013-03-20" stage="R" status="A"checkedOut="true">
<link href="" rel="self" type="application/xml"/>
<title>Antibiotics for acute maxillary sinusitis in adults</title>
<byline>Ahovuo-Saloranta A, Rautakorpi U-M, Borisenko OV, Liira H, Williams Jr JW, Mäkelä M</byline>
<group>Acute Respiratory Infections Group</group>

Query parameters

The following query parameters can be used to restrict the search:

  • groupId (e.g. ARI for Acute Respiratory, see Review Group IDs below): Restrict search to reviews belonging to the specified review group. Default is any group.
  • stage (R = full Review, P = Protocol, T = Title): Restrict search by review stage. Default is any stage. T is only relevant in combination with published=false.
  • status (A = Active, W = Withdrawn): Restrict search by status. Default is any status.
  • phase (A=Authoring, E=Editorial): Restrict search by phase. Default is any phase.
  • myRole (e.g. myRole=Author): Restrict search to reviews for which the authenticated user has the given role. Default is that roles are not considered.
  • myPermission (e.g myPermission=write_authoring, see Permission below): Restrict search to reviews for which the authenticated user has the given permission. Default is View permission (view).
  • startSearchDate (format {yyyy-MM-dd}, e.g. startSearchDate=2014-05-31): Restrict search to reviews with a search date on or after the specified date. Default is any date.
  • published (true or false). Default is true, which means that only published reviews are returned. If published=false, titles and unpublished protocols are also returned.
  • issueId (e.g. 2014-1). Limit search to reviews appearing in a specific issue of The Cochrane Library (needs testing).


In addition to query parameters, an XPath or XQuery expression can also be used to restrict the search. 

The base URL is:{count expression | exist expression}

The default is exist, which can be left out.

Example 1, reviews that contain a Summary of Findings table:

Example 2, reviews from the ARI group with more than one Summary of Findings table:>1?groupId=ARI

Example 3, reviews with at least 10 included studies:>=10

Example 4, reviews with at least one forest plot figure (exist is implied):"FOREST_PLOT"%5D

Note:  [ and ] have to be escaped as %5B and %5D.

Example 5, reviews assessed as up-to-date in 2010:"2010"%5D

Searching within a specific review>"1970"%5D

This will return the STUDY elements of the XML only (i.e. not a full review document) where the year is greater than 1970. The returned XML document will include the path of parent elements leading up to the root element (COCHRANE_REVIEW) but any siblings will be excluded, e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<COCHRANE_REVIEW DESCRIPTION="For publication" DOI="10.1002/14651858.CD000004.pub2" GROUP_ID="PREG" ID="047199081020060395" MERGED_FROM="" MODIFIED="2012-05-09 15:44:58 +0100" MODIFIED_BY="Sonja Henderson" NOTES="" NOTES_MODIFIED="2012-05-09 15:42:11 +0100" NOTES_MODIFIED_BY="Sonja Henderson" REVIEW_NO="0065" REVMAN_SUB_VERSION="5.1.6" REVMAN_VERSION="5" SPLIT_FROM="" STAGE="R" STATUS="A" TYPE="INTERVENTION" VERSION_NO="8.0">
<STUDIES_AND_REFERENCES MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:24:14 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="">
<STUDIES MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:13:04 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="">
<INCLUDED_STUDIES MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:12:42 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="">
<STUDY DATA_SOURCE="PUB" ID="STD-MacRae-1971" MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:12:12 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="" NAME="MacRae 1971" YEAR="1971">
<REFERENCE MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:12:12 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="" NOTES="&lt;p&gt;[0711].&lt;/p&gt;" NOTES_MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:12:12 +0000" NOTES_MODIFIED_BY="" PRIMARY="NO" TYPE="JOURNAL_ARTICLE">
<AU>MacRae DJ, Mohamedally SM, Willmott MP</AU>
<TI>Clinical and endocrinological aspects of dysmaturity and the use of intermittent abdominal decompression in pregnancy</TI>
<SO>Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth</SO>
<STUDY DATA_SOURCE="PUB" ID="STD-Varma-1973" MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:12:42 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="" NAME="Varma 1973" YEAR="1973">
<REFERENCE MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:12:42 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="" NOTES="&lt;p&gt;[0884].&lt;/p&gt;" NOTES_MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:12:42 +0000" NOTES_MODIFIED_BY="" PRIMARY="NO" TYPE="JOURNAL_ARTICLE">
<AU>Varma TR, Curzen P</AU>
<TI>The effects of abdominal decompression on pregnancy complicated by the small-for-dates fetus</TI>
<SO>Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth</SO>
<EXCLUDED_STUDIES MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:13:04 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="">
<STUDY DATA_SOURCE="PUB" ID="STD-Coppola-1985" MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:13:04 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="" NAME="Coppola 1985" YEAR="1985">
<AU>Coppola F, Battioni M, Vessichelli R, Daoh KS, Bacchi-Modena A</AU>
<TI>Auxologic results of abdominal decompression in growth disorders of the fetus</TI>
<SO>Minerva Ginecologica</SO>
<IDENTIFIERS MODIFIED="2008-10-29 16:11:15 +0000" MODIFIED_BY="">

Additional endpoints

Get metadata about review


Returned MIME type is "application/json".

Get the workflow and availability status of a review

GET{Review ID}/status

Returned MIME type is "application/json".

The field "reviewDBSyncStatus" can have the folllowing values:



Generate a forest plot

GET{CD Number}/graphics/forestplot/{Comparison ID}/{Outcome ID}
