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CD numberEnglish Podcast titleTranslated titleLanguagePublished onReview GroupURL (based on DOI)
CD003543Improving how antibiotics are prescribed by physicians working in hospital settingsВмешательства по улучшению практики назначения антибиотиков госпитализированным пациентамRussian19-Jul-2018Effective Practice and Organisation of Care
CD010140Skin antisepsis for reducing central venous catheter-related infectionsКожные антисептики для сокращения инфекций, связанных с центральным венозным катетеромRussian19-Jul-2018Wounds
CD002042Is it safe to use lower blood counts as a trigger for blood transfusion in order to give fewer blood transfusions?Пороговые показатели для трансфузии и другие стратегии при аллогенном переливании эритроцитарной массыRussian19-Jul-2018Injuries
CD005134Pentasaccharides for the prevention of venous blood clotsПентасахариды для профилактики венозной тромбоэмболииRussian18-Jul-2018Vascular
CD011114Vitamin C supplementation to prevent cardiovascular diseaseVitamin C u prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolestiCroatian18-Jul-2018Heart
CD006887Clinical effects of cardiovascular risk scores in people without cardiovascular diseaseKlinički učinci procjene ukupnog kardiovaskularnog rizika u osoba bez kardiovaskularnih bolestiCroatian18-Jul-2018Heart
CD009921Automated telephone communication systems for preventing disease and managing long-term conditionsAutomatizirani telefonski komunikacijski sustavi u prevenciji bolesti i kontroli kroničnih stanjaCroatian18-Jul-2018Consumers and Communication Group
CD010994Health system and community level interventions for improving antenatal care coverage and health outcomesIntervencije u zdravstvenom sustavu i na razini zajednice za unapređenjem obuhvata antenatalnom skrbi i zdravstvenih ishodaCroatian17-Jul-2018Pregnancy and Childbirth

Workplace interventions for reducing sitting time at work
Primary tabs

Intervencije na radnom mjestu za skraćenjem vremena sjedenjaCroatian17-Jul-2018Work
CD005992Does legislation to ban smoking reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and smoking behaviour?Može li zakonska zabrana pušenja smanjiti izloženost pasivnom pušenju i učestalost pušenja?Croatian17-Jul-2018Tobacco Addiction
CD012079Transvaginal mesh or grafts compared with native tissue repair for vaginal prolapse经阴道网状物或移植物对比天然组织修复治疗阴道脱垂Chinese17-Jul-2018Gynaecology and Fertility
CD012226Strategies to help people with asthma take their steroid inhaler as prescribed帮助哮喘患者根据处方使用类固醇吸入器的策略Chinese17-Jul-2018Airways
CD008858Vaccines for preventing herpes zoster (shingles) in older adultsCjepiva za sprječavanje herpesa zostera u starijih osobaCroatian16-Jul-2018Acute Respiratory Infections
CD009106Newborn resuscitation training programmes for improving the health and survival of newbornsStandardizirani programi obuke novorođenačke reanimacije za smanjenje smrtnosti i poboljšanje zdravljaCroatian16-Jul-2018Neonatal

Treatment for hypertension in adults aged 18 to 59 years
Primary tabs

Liječenje hipertenzije osoba u dobi od 18 do 59 godinaCroatian16-Jul-2018Hypertension
CD004104Non-invasive ventilation for people with respiratory failure due to exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)Neinvazivna ventilacija osoba s respiratornim zatajivanjem zbog pogoršanja kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti (KOPB)Croatian16-Jul-2018Airways
CD006911Can music interventions benefit cancer patients?پادکست: آیا مداخلات موسیقایی می‌تواند برای بیماران سرطانی مفید باشد؟Persian16-Jul-2018Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancer
CD003543Improving how antibiotics are prescribed by physicians working in hospital settingsPoboljšanje liječničkog propisivanja antibiotika u bolnicamaCroatian16-Jul-2018Effective Practice and Organisation of Care
CD004920Antifungal agents for preventing fungal infections in critically ill adults and children with a normal number of neutrophils in the blood

Davanje lijekova za sprječavanje gljivičnih infekcija kritično bolesnim pacijentima koji nemaju manjak bijelih krvnih stanica (leukocita)
Status message Podcast Davanje lijekova za sprječavanje gljivičnih infekcija kritično bolesnim pacijentima k

Croatian13-Jul-2018Anaesthesia, Critical and Emergency Care
CD008093Amiodarone for preventing sudden cardiac deathUčinci amiodarona u usporedbi s drugim lijekovima u prevenciji iznenadne srčane smrtiCroatian13-Jul-2018Heart
CD009541Effectiveness and safety of devices designed to close femoral artery puncture sites股动脉穿刺点闭合装置的有效性和安全性Chinese06-Jul-2018Vascular
CD006787Music interventions for acquired brain injury音乐治疗获得性脑损伤Chinese06-Jul-2018Stroke
CD009778Are there ways in which workplace bullying can be prevented?预防职场欺凌的干预措施Chinese06-Jul-2018Workhttps//
CD008803Tests for imaging the optic nerve and its fibres for diagnosing glaucoma神经乳头及纤维层显像技术在青光眼诊断中的应用Chinese02-Jul-2018Eyes and Vision
CD005258Combined intermittent pneumatic leg compression and medication for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism联合间歇性充气加压装置(IPC)和药物治疗,预防深静脉血栓形成和肺栓塞Chinese02-Jul-2018Vascular
CD007245Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) for endometrial protection in women with breast cancer taking tamoxifen to prevent recurrence左诀诺孕酮宫内节育系统 (LNG-IUS)对服用他莫昔芬来预防乳腺癌复发患者的子宫内膜的保护作Chinese27-Jun-2018 Gynaecology and Fertility
CD002024Clonidine, lofexidine, and similar medications for the management of opioid withdrawal可乐定,洛非西定及相似药物对阿片类药物戒断的管理Chinese27-Jun-2018Drugs and Alcohol

School-based interventions for preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents

以学校为基础的干预措施,用于预防性、母婴传播艾滋病Chinese27-Jun-2018Infectious Diseases
CD009747Iron supplementation taken daily for improving health in menstruating women每日服用补铁剂对月经期女性健康状况的改善Chinese27-Jun-2018Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems
CD010789Whole-body cryotherapy for preventing and treating muscle soreness after exercise in adults全身冷冻疗法(暴露在极冷环境)预防和治疗成人运动后肌肉酸痛Chinese27-Jun-2018Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma
CD008858Vaccines for preventing herpes zoster (shingles) in older adults疫苗对成人带状疱疹的影响Chinese27-Jun-2018Acute Respiratory Infections
CD006887Clinical effects of cardiovascular risk scores in people without cardiovascular disease心血管危险评分对没有心血管疾病的人的临床影响Chinese27-Jun-2018Heart
CD007137Enteral lactoferrin supplementation for prevention of sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants补充肠内乳铁蛋白以预防早产儿脓毒症及坏死性小肠结肠炎Chinese27-Jun-2018Neonatal

The role of iron in the management of chemotherapy-induced anemia in cancer patients receiving erythropoiesis-stimulating agents


Chinese26-Jun-2018Haematological Malignancies
CD006750Calcineurin inhibitor withdrawal or tapering for kidney transplant recipientsPemberhentian perencat calcineurin atau penirusan untuk penerima pemindahan buah pinggangMalay22-Jun-2018Kidney and Transplant
CD009778Are there ways in which workplace bullying can be prevented?Intervenciones para prevenir el acoso laboralSpanish08-jun-2018Work
CD006258Haemodiafiltration, haemofiltration and haemodialysis for end-stage kidney disease终末期肾脏病的血液透析滤过、血液滤过和血液透析Chinese08-jun-2018Kidney and Transplant
CD005134Pentasaccharides for the prevention of venous blood clotsPentasaharidi u sprječavanju nastanka venskih krvnih ugrušakaCroatian06-Jun-2018Vascular
CD001100Fixed daily dose of a low molecular weight heparin compared with an adjusted dose of unfractionated heparin for treating blood clots in the deep veinsNepromjenjiva dnevna doza heparina male molekularne mase u usporedbi s prilagođenom dozom nefrakcioniranog heparina u liječenju krvnih ugrušaka dubokih venaCroatian06-Jun-2018Vascular
CD009747Iron supplementation taken daily for improving health in menstruating womenDnevna doknada željeza za poboljšanje zdravlja  žena reproduktivne dobiCroatian06-Jun-2018Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems
CD001533Corticosteroid therapy for children with nephrotic syndromeLiječenje djece s nefrotskim sindromom kortikosteroidimaCroatian06-Jun-2018Kidney and Transplant
CD008093Amiodarone for preventing sudden cardiac death碘胺酮与其他药物干预对预防心源性猝死的疗效比较Chinese05-Jun-2018Heart
CD003965Immunosuppressive agents for treating IgA nephropathy免疫抑制剂治疗IgA肾病Chinese05-Jun-2018Kidney and Transplant
CD011866Psychosocial interventions for cocaine and amphetamines abusers对可卡因和安非他命滥用者的社会心理干预Chinese05-Jun-2018Drugs and Alcohol
CD011598Feeding support in hospitalised adults at risk of undernourishment营养支持住院成年患者营养不良的风险Chinese05-Jun-2018Hepato-Biliary
CD011461Effect of molecular-targeted therapy on the progress and survival of people in the late stages of stomach cancer分子靶向治疗对晚期胃癌患者的进展和生存期的影响Chinese05-Jun-2018Upper GI and Pancreatic Diseases
CD008276Treatment for hypertension in adults aged 18 to 59 years治疗18-59岁成人高血压Chinese05-Jun-2018Hypertension
CD011866Psychosocial interventions for cocaine and amphetamines abusersPsihosocijalne intervencije za osobe koje zlorabe psihostimulanseCroatian05-Jun-2018Drugs and Alcohol

Psychological therapies for preventing post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents

Psihološke terapije kao prevencija posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja u djece i adolescenataCroatian05-Jun-2018Common Mental Disorders
CD011333Using a structured questionnaire (the IQCODE) to detect individuals who may go on to develop dementiaKorisnost strukturiranog upitnika IQCODE u otkrivanju osoba koje mogu razviti demencijuCroatian05-Jun-2018Dementia and Cognitive Improvement
CD010321Interventions for preventing abuse in the elderly

Intervencije za prevenciju zlostavljanja starijih osoba

Croatian05-Jun-2018Public Health
CD010274Do tobacco cessation interventions provided during substance abuse treatment or recovery help tobacco users to quit?Pomažu li intervencije usmjerene prestanku pušenja a provedene tijekom liječenja ili oporavka od uzimanja sredstava ovisnosti pušačima da prestanu pušiti?Croatian05-Jun-2018Tobacco Addiction

Task-oriented intervention for children with developmental co-ordination disorder

特定设置任務與發展性協調運動障礙Chinese25-May-2018Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems
CD005296Should root canal treatment be performed in one dental visit or over several visits?Patutkah rawatan kanal akar dibuat dalam satu lawatan atau beberapa lawatan pergigian?Malay15-May-2018Oral Health
CD011116Management of gagging in dental patientsPengurusan Gag dalam pesakit pergigianMalay15-May-2018Oral Health
CD010914Task-oriented intervention for children with developmental co-ordination disorderIntervencija usmjerena na zadatak za djecu s razvojnim poremećajem koordinacijeCroatian11-May-2018Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems
CD008892he accuracy of rapid diagnostic tests for detecting typhoid and paratyphoid (enteric) feverBrzi dijagnostički testovi tifoidne i paratifoidne vrućiceCroatian11-May-2018Infectious Diseases
CD007455Is stretch effective for treating and preventing joint deformities?Je li istezanje učinkovito za liječenje i prevenciju bolesti zglobova?Croatian11-May-2018Musculoskeletal
CD011135Unconditional cash transfers for reducing poverty: effect on health services use and health outcomes in low- and middle-income countriesPemindahan tunai tanpa syarat untuk mengurangkan kemiskinan dan kerentananMalay25-Apr-2018Public Health
CD009595The autogenic drainage breathing technique for helping people with cystic fibrosis to clear mucus from their airwaysSaliran autogenik untuk pembersihan saluran udara dalam fibrosis sistikMalay17-Apr-2018Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders
CD006612Homocysteine-lowering interventions (B-complex vitamin therapy) for preventing cardiovascular eventsVitaminas del complejo B para reducir los niveles séricos de homocisteína y prevención de episodios cardiovascularesSpanish11-Apr-2018Heart
CD009778Are there ways in which workplace bullying can be prevented?

Adakah terdapat cara di mana pembulian di tempat kerja dapat dicegah?

CD010840Cognitive-behavioural therapy for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adultsIntervenciones cognitivo-conductuales para el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) en adultosSpanish10-Apr-2018Cochrane Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems
CD011114Vitamin C supplementation to prevent cardiovascular disease维生素C预防心血管疾病Chinese09-Apr-18Heart
CD004104Non-invasive ventilation for people with respiratory failure due to exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)Ventilasi tidak invasif untuk orang dengan kegagalan pernafasan dengan eksarserbasi penyakit kronik pilmonari obstruktif (COPD)Malay28-Mar-18Airways
CD012103Interventions for prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in in vitro fertilisation cycles: an overview of Cochrane reviewsRevisión global sobre el síndrome de la hiperestimulación ováricaSpanish21-Mar-2018Gynaecology and Fertility
CD002284Fluoride mouthrinses for preventing dental caries in children and adolescentsUbat kumur mulut berfluorida untuk mencegah karies gigi dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dan remajaMalay14-Mar-2018Oral Health
CD009595The autogenic drainage breathing technique for helping people with cystic fibrosis to clear mucus from their airwaysDrenaje autógeno para despejar las vías aéreas en la fibrosis quísticaSpanish06-Mar-2018Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders
CD010140Skin antisepsis for reducing central venous catheter-related infections皮膚消毒以減少中央靜脈導管相關感染Chinese02-Mar-2018Wounds
CD011787What are parents' and informal caregivers' views and experiences of communication about routine early childhood vaccination?Quines són les perspectives i experiències de pares, mares i cuidadors informals, en relació a les vacunacions sistemàtiques infantils?Catalan28-Feb-2018Consumers and Communication
CD006462Early additional food and fluids for healthy breastfed full-term infantsAlimentos y líquidos adicionales tempranos para lactantes sanos a términoSpanish14-Feb-2018Pregnancy and Childbirthhttps//
CD005134Pentasaccharides for the prevention of venous blood clotsPentasacáridos para prevenir los coágulos venososSpanish08-Feb-2018Vascular
CD011129Early palliative care for adults with advanced cancerFrühe palliative Versorgung für Erwachsene mit fortgeschrittener KrebserkrankungGerman01-Feb-2018Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care
CD010914Task-oriented intervention for children with developmental co-ordination disorderIntervenció basada en tasques per nens amb trastorn del desenvolupament de la coordinacióCatalan29-Jan-2018Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems
CD003200Exercise as treatment for patients with chronic fatigue syndromeVježbanje kao terapija za pacijente koji pate od sindroma kroničnog umoraCroatian24-Jan-2018Common Mental Disorders
CD004412Exercise Therapy for SchizophreniaTerapija vježbom za shizofrenijuCroatian24-Jan-2018Schizophrenia
CD008367Oral hygiene care for critically ill patients to prevent ventilator-associated pneumoniaHigiene bucodental en pacientes críticos para prevenir la neumonía asociada al ventiladorSpanish24-Jan-2018Oral Health
CD009871Non-drug treatments for depression in children and adults who have had a traumatic brain injuryPostupci liječenja koji ne uključuju lijekove za djecu i odrasle koji su imali traumatsku ozljedu glaveCroatian24-Jan-2018Injuries
CD009895Is dance movement therapy an effective treatment for depression? A review of the evidenceTerapija pokretom i plesom za depresijuCroatian24-Jan-2018Common Mental Disorders
CD011336Aquatic exercise training for fibromyalgiaVježbe u vodi za fibromialgijuCroatian24-Jan-2018Musculoskeletal
CD011426Topical antibiotics (applied to the skin) for preventing surgical site infection in wounds that are stitched or held together another way局部抗生素(适用于皮肤)用于预防缝针或其他闭合方式的外科创口感染Chinese24-Jan-2018Wounds
CD007455Is stretch effective for treating and preventing joint deformities?拉伸真的对治疗和预防关节畸形有帮助吗?Chinese23-Jan-2018Musculoskeletal
CD007419Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) drugs for diabetic macular oedemaFaktor pertumbuhan endothelial anti-vaskular (ubat anti-VEGF) untuk edema makular diabetesMalay05-Jan-2018Eyes and Vision
CD010914Task-oriented intervention for children with developmental co-ordination disorderAufgabenorientierte Ansatze fur Kinder mit umschriebener Entwicklungsstorung motorischer FunktionenGerman04-Jan-2018Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems
