Tracking production tasks

Track a submission to publication

You can track a submission through production.

On your Main Menu, go to your Tasks Tab > View All Submissions in Production. Locate the relevant submission and view History > Production Task History

  • The History will show all open and completed tasks. 
  • Some are completed automatically and others need to be submitted manually by the Assignee.
  • The tasks listed in the table below, will open and complete in order.

  • All tasks need to be completed for a review to publish.

Production tasks

  • Amendments without a new citation, and without LfP forms, require only tasks 9-16 to be complete before publication.
  • Submissions entering EM for publication only (copy-edited in Archie) require only tasks 2, and 9-16 to be complete before publication.

Production taskAssigneeDue date (days)Task descriptionNotes

Initiate production dummy task

Production Manager System Notifications (dummy account for automated tasks)0

Dummy task which opens when submissions enter production. This task closes automatically triggering two follow-on tasks:

  • RevMan: Assign Copy Editor
  • Collect LfP Forms
LfP forms will be released when this task is completed.

RevMan: Assign Copy Editor

Production Manager, Elizabeth Royle10Elizabeth Royle notified of submission awaiting copy edit. 
3Collect LfP Forms Production Manager System Notifications (dummy account for automated tasks)7Notifications with a link to complete Licence for Publication forms are sent to authors.This task closes automatically when all LfP forms are submitted. Submitted forms are available in a zipped file on the File inventory in EM.
4RevMan: Pre-edit (optional)Production Manager, Elizabeth Royle7Elizabeth Royle assigns a pre-edit task for the submission. 
5RevMan: Copy Edit InitialCopy Editor 14Assigned Copy Editor edits the submission and adds comments and queries for authors to Copy Edit Comments Form.
6RevMan: ME Review Copy Edit  Managing Editor7Managing Editor reviews Copy Editor changes (may resolve some) and passes outstanding queries to authors. 
7RevMan: Author ProofsCorresponding Author7Authors address Copy Editor queries, make requested edits and review final proofs. Annotate Copy Edit Comments Form to track resolution of queries. If authors have not addressed all comments, this task can be reassigned as many times as needed. The review must be put back to authoring phase. 
8RevMan: ME Review Author ProofsManaging Editor7Managing Editor reviews author changes.If you would like to send the submission back to authors for further input, please reassign the RevMan: Author Proofs task. Please cancel the  RevMan: ME Review Author Proofs task and reassign it when you review authors' further changes. Complete the RevMan: ME Review Author Proofs task when the submission is ready for the final proofread. 
9RevMan: Assign Copy Editor (final proofread)Production Manager, Elizabeth Royle10Elizabeth Royle allocates a Copy Editor to the submission - this is the same Copy Editor who completed the initial round of copy editing unless blocked by annual leave. 
10RevMan: Copy Edit FinalCopy Editor7Assigned Copy Editor checks authors have addressed comments and queries for authors raised at initial round of copy editing - or if not, if explanatory notes have been added. When this task is completed, and all LfP forms are submitted, the submission will be ready for publication.

RevMan: Final Queries for Author (optional)

Corresponding Author 


Copy Editor has outstanding queries that need input from the Corresponding Author before moving forward to publication. 

The copy editor will submit the RevMan: Copy Edit Final task only when happy that all queries have been addressed. 


RevMan: Final Queries for ME (optional)

Managing Editor 


Copy Editor has outstanding queries that need input from the Managing Editor before moving forward to publication. 

The copy editor will submit the RevMan: Copy Edit Final task only when happy that all queries have been addressed.  


Upload RevMan production package

Production Manager, Cochrane Support1RevMan production package is uploaded to EM.All Licence for Publication forms must be submitted and the final proofread complete for this task to open.

Unpack RevMan Source

Production Manager System Notifications (dummy account for automated tasks)Instant

Copy-edited text file and figure files are unpacked on File Inventory. Data package remains zipped. 

XML processing tasks to generate publishable files. 

Tasks complete automatically once the previous task is completed.

Assign Licence (Lambda)


Prepare for Publication

Production Manager, Cochrane Support4Final check of production details (e.g. embargo date) before release to Wiley.

Deliver to Wiley

Production Manager System Notifications (dummy account for automated tasks)Average time 30-60 minutesFiles are delivered to Wiley for publication. Tasks complete automatically once the previous task is completed.

Publish on Cochrane Library