
Switch your login role 

If you have multiple roles in Editorial Manager, you can switch between them whilst you are logged in. 

To check and switch your role, click the dropdown arrow next to your name, at the top right of the screen.

Select the correct role in the Role dropdown.

If you have any difficulties logging in, please contact 

Adjust your default login role

You can change your default login role so that you always land in Editorial Manager with a particular role. 

  • Log in to Editorial Manager
  • Click on the dropdown arrow to the right of your name in the top right-hand corner
  • Select Update My Information 
  • Under Login Information choose a Default Login Role from the dropdown menu.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and Submit.

Role types in Editorial Manager

There are four types of roles in Editorial Manager: Author, Reviewer, Editor, Publisher.

  1. Author: everyone with an account in Editorial Manager has an Author role by default. 
  2. Reviewer: everyone with an account in Editorial Manager has a Clinical reviewer role by default. Reviewers can read files, make comments, and recommend decisions, but cannot invite other reviewers, make decisions or notify authors of decisions. Available reviewer roles are: Clinical Reviewer, Methods Reviewer, Consumer Reviewer, Statistical Reviewer, Information Specialist Reviewer.
  3. Editor: can assign reviewers to provide comments, can make editorial decisions and notify authors of decisions, can provide input via Discussions. Available editor roles are: Coordinating Editor, Sign-Off Editor, Managing Editor, Assistant Managing Editor, Editorial Assistant, Handling Editor, Methods Support. See also Permissions linked to editorial roles.
  4. Publisher: can complete production task assignment. Available publisher roles are: Copy Editor, Production Manager, Publisher Admin. 

Allocate and change roles

  • Search for the person to whom you need to allocate a role.
  • Click on the person's name in the search results to open User Information.
  • Under Editorial/Reviewer/Publisher Role select the relevant role for the person. You can only add one role of each type per person.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and Submit.
    • If the person has open assignments related to their role, you will not be able to change the role until the assignments are cancelled or completed.

Add People flags

You can add flags to people's record in Editorial Manager to show their area of expertise. See Flags.