Glossary of system terms

EM terminology

Explanation / Cochrane equivalent

Alternate (Alt.)Alternate reviewers are secondary reviewers you can select when choosing to invite people for peer review. Alternates will receive an invitation email if a primary reviewer declines or does not respond to the invitation within 7 days


Submitted work going through the editorial process: review proposals, protocols, reviews, updates, amendments, podcasts, editorials, clinical answers etc

Article type

Review type and stage (example: Review: Intervention)

Assign (Asn.)

Assign a task to someone if you already have their prior agreement to complete it - e.g. you would assign an author to a review if they had already completed the protocol 

Assigned submissions

Reviews assigned to you for editorial oversight

Child Submission or Commentary

Subsequent submission for the same title, at the next stage of the editorial process - e.g. if the protocol is the Parent Submission, the review would be the Child Submission or Commentary


Third-party global conflict of interest submission system and repository, integrated with EM


Email correspondence related to a review. Also known as Correspondence History

Corresponding Author

Contact Person - responsible for submitting the review to EM and handling contact from the editorial base on behalf of the author team

Derivative Content

Content dependent on a parent article such as a Clinical Answer or podcast derived from a review

EditorMember of editorial team or group editor 

Editor Decision

Editor's verdict on a review, which would vary based on the quality of the content and the extent of changes required - e.g. Minor Revision, Major Revision, Accept, Reject

File Inventory

Files related to a submission, accessible from the Manuscript menu. Can include source files such as RevMan files and figures

Final Disposition

Final editorial decision on a submission in EM e.g. Accept or Reject. Setting a Final Disposition closes the editorial process for a particular stage

Handling Editor

Member of the editorial team actively responsible for a submission at a particular stage - e.g. an ME could make an AME a Handling Editor to take over the peer review process and assign peer reviewers 

Initiate Production

Manually initiate the copy-edit process

Initiate Proposal

Invite authors to submit their work to EM

Invitation (Inv.)

Invite someone to complete a task if you want to give them the option to accept or decline (see also Assign) 


Email template

Minor / Major Revision

Editorial decision terms in EM based on the level of effort needed to revise a submission to reach accepted status


General term similar to article or submission

Parent Submission

Original submission which starts the editorial process (see also Child Submission)


Take over another user's account to see what they see. This cannot be used to change user data such as passwords. You cannot proxy above your own permissions - e.g. an Editor cannot proxy as an ME

ReviewerAnyone making comments on a review - this could be a peer or consumer reviewer, an editor, or Information Specialist reviewing the search strategy

Section Category

Cochrane Review Group, within the Cochrane Network site - e.g. Fertility Regulation is a Section Category in the Children and Families Network

Solicit commentary

Invite a Child Submission (next stage of a review) based on the a submission with Final Disposition. This automatically relates the submissions - e.g. you would Solicit Commentary on an accepted Title Proposal to invite authors to start work on the protocol 


Work submitted for editorial approval

Transmittal form

Form provided to the copy-editor once a protocol, review or update is accepted for publication