Template letters

Emails sent to author, editors and reviewers are known as Letters in Editorial Manager. There are a large number of template letters stored in the system for use at different stages of the editorial process. 

All template letters are editable on screen. Merge fields (information automatically populated when the email is sent) are shown with percentage marks, e.g. %FIRST_NAME%. You can select the Preview button when viewing any letter, to see the full text without merge fields.

For descriptors of all merge fields, see https://www.editorialmanager.com/robohelp/17.0/index.htm#t=Merge_Field_Quick_Reference_Guide.htm

Blinded links

Please note that if you are copied into a system email from Editorial Manager, any unique links for the recipient of the email will be converted into ********** in copy. This means you cannot forward system emails. Use the Edit and Resend option on the Correspondence History in Editorial Manager to resend emails if needed. 

If you find you are regularly adding standard text into template emails, please suggest an edit to the emails stored in the system, using the Feedback and Suggestions Form

Below is the email received by authors of existing protocols, reviews and updates when you add reviews from Archie and invite authors to submit to EM. If you would like to see the text of other stored templates, please contact support@cochrane.org. 

Author Assignment for Transfer to Editorial Manager



Cochrane is moving to Editorial Manager, a new Editorial Management System for submission and peer review. Authors will submit proposals, protocols, reviews, and updates to this new system rather than via Archie. Authors will continue to use Review Manager (RevMan), Cochrane’s software used to prepare and maintain Cochrane reviews, to write the submission.

As part of the transition to Editorial Manager, we are creating a placeholder for your submission in Editorial Manager. You will not need to do anything at this time. We are notifying you that your %ARTICLE_TYPE% entitled %INVITED_SUBMISSION_TITLE% with Cochrane %SECTION_CATEGORY% will need to be submitted via this invitation once you are ready.

As the person who receives and accepts this invitation to submit the %ARTICLE_TYPE%, you are the official designated corresponding author and therefore the only author who can submit the %ARTICLE_TYPE% for editorial approval. When you start to submit the manuscript, the designated corresponding author cannot be changed. If you would prefer another member of the author team to be responsible for submitting, please let us know as soon as possible.

Please note that your provisional due date for submission is %INVITED_SUBMISSION_DUE_DATE%. Please contact me to discuss if you would like to adjust this date.

When you are ready to submit your draft to the editorial team, please open your review in RevMan Web and click “Submit current version” on the RevMan Web dashboard. RevMan Web will create a package of files for you to submit to Editorial Manager. If you have been working in RevMan 5 you will need to ensure the latest version of the review is checked in, before submitting via RevMan Web.

Please submit your package of files via Editorial Manager (%JOURNAL_URL%). Author instructions on submitting drafts to Editorial Manager are available on Cochrane Training.

If you require more information or assistance on how to submit your article, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,