Storing external emails

Editorial Manager has two functions which allow you to store emails sent and received via an external mailbox (e.g. your personal Outlook), within EM.

Add Editorial Correspondence

From the Action menu, select HistoryCorrespondence History Add Editorial Correspondence

On the screen that opens you can cut and paste an email thread, adding other relevant details (sender, recipient, subject, date). You can choose whether the email thread is visible to authors. 

Submit to save to the Correspondence History 

Automated email import

Editorial Manager has email import settings that allow you to BCC. an internal EM mailbox when responding to external emails. These emails will land on the Correspondence History of the relevant submission. 

Please note that there may be a time delay before the emails become visible in the Correspondence History.

  • The email to which you are responding must have an EM ID in the subject line.
  • Add the auto-forwarding address in BCC.

  • You can also forward external correspondence directly to the auto-forwarding address.

Each Network has a custom email forwarding address:

NetworkEmail forwarding address
Cochrane Abdomen and
Cochrane Acute and Emergency
Cochrane Central Editorial
Cochrane Children and Families
Cochrane Circulation and
Cochrane Mental Health and
Cochrane Musculoskeletal, Oral, Skin and
Cochrane Public Health and Health