Proposals to conduct new Cochrane reviews


Proposals for Cochrane reviews are handled in Editorial Manager by the Proposal Manager, Evidence Pipeline team and topic experts. 

Review proposal forms are provided to authors in Editorial Manager: Information for Authors. Authors are also informed of the proposal process on the Cochrane Library Information for authors page.

The Editorial Manager Knowledge Base contains information on 


PROSPERO is an online database led by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York. It is free to search and open for free registration to anyone undertaking a systematic review with a health-related outcome.

Previously, all protocols for Cochrane reviews of interventions and of diagnostic test accuracy published from 1 October 2013 were automatically added to PROSPERO at title registration stage. The automatic functionality ceased in April 2020 and there is no timeline for a fix. Authors can register their reviews independently on PROSPERO, but not via the previous Cochrane pathway.