Any user may create a note, but only the person who creates a note can later edit it.
To create or edit a note
- Open Properties for the relevant resource.
- Click the Notes tab.
- Either:
- to create a new note, click New; or
- to edit an existing note, double-click the title, or click the title so it is highlighted and then click Open.
- Choose the type of the note from the pull-down list (see About Notes).
- Enter or edit the Title of the note in the text box at the top of the page.
- Enter or edit the text of the note in the larger text box. Use the toolbar to apply any formatting required.
- When you have finished entering the text of the note, click the Sharing tab and select a sharing preference (see Sharing of notes).
- Click the Save Note and Exit button on the toolbar:
Note: Other Toolbar buttons related to saving a note are:
Save note - this saves the note without exiting from the Note window.
Discard changes and exit - this closes the Note window without saving any changes. You can also use the Cancel button in the lower right corner for this.
To attach a file to a note
- Open the note and go to the Attachments tab.
- Click New. The Attachment upload window opens.
- Click Browse and locate the file you want to attach.
- Click Open and then OK.
Note: In order to attach files to the note, you should save the note first and, only then attach files to the note on the Attachment tab.
To remove a file from the note
- Open the note and go to the Attachments tab.
- Choose the note you want to delete and click Delete.
- Click OK to confirm deleting.
See also Notes Management Tool and Deleting a note.