Updates to Archie
23 April 2020, Archie 5.5.0
New features
- Archie now supports JATS format for documents intended for publication on the Cochrane Library. The internal Archie document viewer is now based on JATS format.
27 January 2020, Archie 5.4.0
New features
- Archie now allows people to exist and remain active without any group roles. When a person is assigned their first group role, their primary group is set to the relevant group. When a person loses their last group role, their primary group is set to "Cochrane Account Self-Sign-Up".
17 December 2019, Archie 5.3.0
- Bulk files are no longer stored in the Archie database, simplifying back-up and restore.
26 November 2019, Archie 5.2.0
- Major clean-up and removal of unused settings and outdated code.
7 October 2019, Archie 5.1.1
New features
- Group Authors are now more clearly differentiated from persons, and no longer require an email address.
3 October 2019, Archie 5.1.0
New features
- Allow Campbell reviews to safely co-exist with Cochrane reviews.
21 May 2019, Archie 5.0.0
New features
- Archie legacy OAuth2 system replaced with the new Cochrane Account Single Sign-on (SSO) system. Details about the new SSO system.
Discontinued features
- Legacy Archie OAuth2 system, authorization endpoints no longer supported and will be removed.
10 December 2018, Archie 4.23.2
New features
- 'Edit Online' has been changed to 'Edit in RevMan Web' for intervention reviews that are available in RevMan Web. To make your intervention review available in RevMan Web use this form.
19 November 2018, Archie 4.22
New features
- Updating Classification System: internal notes can now be saved without republishing an updating classification.
Discontinued feature
- Translations: Removed integration with HimL translation service. Renamed "Send to TranslationProxy" to "Send for Translation".
6 June 2018, Archie 4.18
Discontinued feature
- Modules are no longer supported. All published versions have been converted to HTML and can now be found in the Files folder of each group.
26 April 2018, Archie 4.17
New features
Changes related to My Account and Membership
- Membership status is now displayed on My Account.
- Non-activated persons are now automatically deleted from the system.
- Separation of account contact details and academic affiliations.
9 March 2018, Archie 4.16.1
New feature
Changes related to Translations
- Translate into: This is a new feature for translation managers. The feature is available from the right-click menu on reviews. With this feature Archie sends a source file for the latest published version of a review to Memsource for translation for a selected language. This feature will be particularly useful, as we change our translation management system from Smartling to Memsource.
19 June 2017, Archie 4.15.3
New and improved features
Changes related to My Account and Membership
- CAPTCHA removed: The 'I am not a robot' verification is no longer required to sign up for a Cochrane Account.
- Limit when loading Resource view: If there are more than 2,000 people in a roles folder the contents will no longer be displayed. This prevents Archie from becoming non-responsive. The advanced search can be used instead.
23 May 2017, Archie 4.15.1 and My Account 2.0
New and improved features
Cochrane Account
- The Cochrane Account area now has a Communications page for managing email addresses and newsletter subscriptions; and an Interests page for recording the user’s interests.
- The Cochrane Account Area now works well on small screens (phones).
- Text on the welcome page has been updated and the Logout link has been moved to make it more visible.
- The support address for Cochrane Account is now cochraneaccount@cochrane.org.
- Changes to Archie and Cochrane Account were made to align with data protection legislation. The old bulk email preferences (none; primary group only ; afiliated groups only, all) have been removed from Archie and are replaced by the option to opt-in to communications from Cochrane on My Account. The opt-in is also part of the account activation process. Only users who had the 'All' bulk email setting have been set to opt-in.
- Added an integration to notify the membership system when a person is marked as inactive in Archie.
10 May 2017, v. 4.15
New and improved features
Changes related to My Account and Membership
- The user creation process from within Archie has been updated to reflect that a Cochrane Account is being created.
- Added backend infrastructure to support communication between Archie and My Account for the Membership project.
Changes related to Cochrane Library developments
- Translations of topics: In preparation for the new Cochrane Library Spanish portal and any future portals in other languages, functionality is implemented in Archie to bulk import translations of CEU topics, which is used for the Cochrane Library browse list. Additionally, these translations can be edited in the user interface (on the Translations tab) and delivered to the publisher.
- Due to the above change, topics for review groups also have a Translations tab, but the content of this tab is not currently used.
- Added declaration of interest forms for Cochrane Council group members and Scientific Committee members.
- We no longer support Internet Explorer version 9.0 and older. The user will be notified if trying to use such a version of the browser.
Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Fixed an issue causing some translations from SmartLing to not to be published
20 March 2017, v. 4.14
New and improved features
Cochrane Account & Membership
- Introduced a "My Account" area where Cochrane Account holders can manage their account information. Self-registered account holders will no longer require access to Archie to manage their account. Accordingly, access to Archie is now restricted to users with roles with Cochrane Groups. Note, it is still up to Cochrane Groups to directly assign roles.
- Implemented a migration tool that will be used to convert Crowd and TaskExchange accounts into Cochrane Accounts - either as a new account, or by linking to an existing Cochrane Account.
- Updated password reset process to be in line with other Cochrane Account processes
- Clarified the intent of several fields in the signup process: "First name" is now "Given names", "Last name" is now "Family name", and "Country" is now "Country of residence".
- Several fixes to ensure that when the login or signup process is initiated from one system, the user returns to that system once the process is complete.
- Implemented the necessary infrastructure to track contributions made by Cochrane's supporters to support the future contribution-based Membership scheme.
- Added declaration of interest forms for Directors in Centres, Associate Centres and Fields, and for Funding Arbiters.
Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where special characters in the username prevented the user from logging in to Cochrane Account.
- Fixed an issue causing some translations from SmartLing to not to be published
8 February 2017, v. 4.13
New and improved features
- Substantial changes to translation data processing in order to support future optional full text Review translations in the Cochrane Library and to make our translation technology infrastructure more robust.
- Now supporting two Portuguese locales, Portuguese (Portugal) and Brazilian.
- When assigning a copy-editor, the default option in the Select Person window is the new generic 'Copy-editor' role. Previously it was ‘Copy-editor (CRG)’.
Cochrane Account
- The login screen and related screens have been updated for clearer indication that existing Archie accounts are now Cochrane Accounts. Furthermore, the link to the account Help page has been moved up on the page for better visibility.
Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Fixed ‘HTTP method POST not supported’ error when using Cochrane Account in multiple tools
- The Help link for Cochrane Account login now works when logging in from other sites than Archie, e.g. from TaskExchange.
- Deleting an unpublished Updating Classification now actually deletes it
- Unpublished review could not be set to protocol stage due to a problem related to the newly introduced Updating Classification system
- Find by name in Select Person was not working for some characters
- Existing License for Publication forms should not be updated when a new form template is published
- Fixed an error in DTA review template, which made wrong text box appear under Characteristics of included studies/QUADAS 2
- Fixed an error in title of task emails with Unicode characters