Choosing a person, document or date
Working in Archie sometimes requires you to choose a particular person or date. This could for example be when you specify a date to use in a search, or when you link a person to a document. Archie has one type of tool for choosing persons and documents and a different type for choosing dates, and both are used in many places in the system.
This section describes how to use the tools for choosing a person, document or date. To avoid describing the tools in detail whenever a task covered elsewhere in this help fileuser guide involves using them, such sections will simply refer to this one.
To choose a person
- Click the person button:
. The Select Person window opens.
- You have several ways of listing people to choose from. To find the person:
- By Name, enter the name or part of it and click the associated Find button.
- By Primary Group, select the group from the list and click the associated Find button.
- By Group Role, select the role and group from the list and click the associated Find button. In some contexts this will be the default filter method, for example if you are choosing a workflow Referee, the Referee role will be pre-specified in Find By Group Role.
- By listing your own record, click Find Me.
- From your list of Favourites, click Favourites.
If the person is not already in Archie, click New Person to create a new record.
- Locate the person in the list of results on the right, and click the name so it is highlighted. Note: Only use a single click to highlight; double-clicking will open the person's Properties - which, however, can be helpful if you wish to view more details about the person.
- Click Select. The Select Person window will close, and the name of the person you chose will now be shown in the field next to the person button.
To choose a document
- Click the document button
. The Select Document window opens.
- You have several ways of listing documents to choose from. To find the document:
- By Name, enter the name or part of it and click the associated Find button.
- By Group, select the group from the list and click the associated Find button.
- Locate the document in the list of results on the right, and click the name so it is highlighted. Note: Only use a single click to highlight; double-clicking will open the document's Properties - which, however, can be helpful if you wish to view more details about the document.
- Click Select. The Select Document window will close, and the document you selected will be used.
To choose a date
- Click the date button:
The date selection window opens.
- If the desired month and year is not displayed at the top of the window, use the arrows to navigate. The single arrow moves one month backwards or forward, while the double arrows move a whole year.
- Click the desired date. The date selection window will close, and the date you chose will now be shown in the field next to the date button.