Glossary of terms
We welcome suggestions from users about terms it would be useful to add to the present list.
Term | Definition |
Archie | Cochrane's central web server for managing people, documents and processes. |
Check in | Check a document in to Archie |
Check out | Check a document out from Archie – typically to RevMan |
Document | The special Cochrane documents where Archie 'knows' the content, i.e., is able to display or edit it. This includes reviews and translations. |
Document Roles | Roles assigned to individuals in relation to a specific document, e.g., 'Contact Editor' of a review |
Group | The term used for registered groups in The Cochrane Collaboration (e.g., Review Groups, Fields, Methods Groups, Cochrane Centres). |
Group Roles | Roles assigned to individuals in Archie in relation to a specific Cochrane group, e.g., Author or Editor in a specific Review Group. |
Files | Non-Cochrane documents (e.g., Word, PDF, or Excel files), that can be stored and shared in Archie. |
HTML format | Hyper Text Markup Language format. Can be read by web browsers and word processing packages. |
Module text | Document providing information about a Cochrane group (contact information, history of the group, information on methods, etc.). Published in The Cochrane Library (from The Cochrane Library Home page, click the links to 'About Cochrane', then 'Cochrane Groups', then click the name of the Group whose module you want to read). |
Notes | Feature in Archie that allows users to write, save, and delete Notes related to a particular person or review. Accessed via the Notes tab on the relevant Properties. |
Permissions | System of rules that govern what users can see and do in Archie. Based in part on the user's Group Role(s) and in part on Document Roles. |
Primary Group | Cochrane group that a given person works most closely with, and which has permission to edit the person's contact details. |
Properties | Every Group, Person, and Document (including reviews) in Archie has a Properties sheet which provides summary information about the resource in question. Information in the Properties is organized under separate tabs. |
Public resources | Information in Archie that can be viewed without restriction by all registered users. Includes, most notably, titles of all draft and published reviews, and all contact information not explicitly marked as 'hidden'. |
Read Phase | The Read Phase (Authoring vs. Editorial vs. Shared) applies to an individual version of a review and determines who can see that version on the History tab of the Review's Properties, read it in Archie, and compare it with other versions. In this context, 'Authoring' means that only people with the Document Roles Contact Person, Author, or Author Support can perform these tasks, while 'Editorial' gives these rights to individuals with all other Document Roles, including Contact Editor. 'Shared' versions can be accessed by people with both types of Document Roles. |
Review Stages (Vacant Title, Registered Title, Protocol, Full Review) |
Review Status (Active, Inactive, Withdrawn) | Relates to the potential or actual publication status of a review in The Cochrane Library:
Topics List | List of topics defining a Review Group's scope |
Version | A specific version of a document. Note that, for reviews, a new version is created every time a review is checked out and back in to Archie. |
Write Phase | The Write Phase of a review (Authoring vs. Editorial) determines who can edit the review (i.e., check it out to RevMan and back in to Archie). In this context, 'Authoring' means that only people with the Document Roles Contact Person, Author, or Author Support can edit the review, while 'Editorial' gives editing rights to individuals with all other Document Roles, including Contact Editor. |